about this course

recover your hormone balance and metabolism with yoga

Hormone Yoga Therapy - {Dinah Rodrigues Method}

HYT is a unique sequence of dynamic yoga postures, dynamic breathing techniques, Tibetan energy techniques & yoga Nidra. The method reactivates hormone production in the endocrine glands of the ovaries, thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands.

Regular practice helps to harmonize the hormonal system and eliminate symptoms of unbalanced hormone levels.

Once you have learned all the techniques and have memorized the sequence, all it takes is thirty minutes to do. For best results and to eliminate your symptoms of hormonal imbalance, I recommend that you do the practice 4 - 6 times a week. Once you notice that your symptoms have been eliminated and alleviated, if you like, you will be able to reduce the number of times per week that you practice.

In addition, HY restores youthfulness, tones the body, and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

In this course you will learn the full Hormone Yoga sequence. Step by step, you will be guided along with high-quality videos, illustrations, and printable materials. Included, are several yoga techniques to help reduce stress. Please click the "Learn More" button for more details.

what you'll get

  • Twenty-one Postures to Stimulate Hormone Production, Balance and Reduce Stress

  • 12 Hormone Yoga Modules

  • Printable Manual Handouts For Your Continued At Home Practice

  • Printable At a Glance Template

  • Thirty Videos (Postures and Techniques)

  • The Whole Practice Video (No Stops)

  • Anti-Stress + Pranayama Video

  • One Zoom Practice Classe a Month w/Corinne

  • Sixty minute One on One session w/Corinne

  • Monthly Email + Private Facebook Community

Watch Intro Video

About This Course

what people are saying

Answer To My Fertility Challenges

Alexx Reid

"Corinne from Lotus Moon Yoga taught me HYT at a workshop last year. I had heard about the program from a friend when I had mentioned to them that I was struggling to get pregnant for the first time but was having a difficult time regulating my cycle. HYT is an everyday practice that was something I could do in my own home and Corinne was always there to support us if we had questions. A few weeks later after diligent practice I found out we were expecting our first baby girl! I truly believe that HYT helped me on my journey to becoming a mom. We now have a happy and bubbly 4 month old daughter".

HYT Has Been My Savior

Melanie Walls

​HYT has been a saviour for me. I thought I was headed into Peri for the last year. Then a co-worker introduced me to Corinne McNally, and I took her course. I had a list of 26 symptoms that I was seeing my doctor and naturopath about. They worked together, which was also super helpful!I was put on a supplement for adrenal support which helped with a couple of my symptoms but not the majority.When I started HYT; it was within a couple of weeks I started noticing changes! It was amazing! 98% of my symptoms disappeared!I had 3 months of a very regular cycle and hardly and symptoms! Then I fell off the HYT wagon. I was missing my daily yoga practice and switched HYT with that. It’s been 2 months and most of my symptoms have returned. So, now I’m back on the HYT regular practice and looking forward, once again to some immediate changes! I’ll need to figure out where to carve out time for my other yoga practice, but for now - this is what helps me maintain balance! Thank you Corinne!

More Energy,Strength,Mental Clarity

​Marthe Murphy

Just wanted to mention some changes I've observed in this 58 year old body since taking up the practice post HYT weekend with Corinne McNally beginning of October. More energy, more strength, more mental clarity. Less incontinent. My eyes which for many years have reflected differences (R. eye smaller and more "weary" looking) are balancing in size and energy. I sing recreationally and I notice better breath and tone. Slimming down. Very, very pleased with it all. Gratitude to Dinah and Corinne for bringing this work forth! XO Practice is getting easier too.

No More Hot Flashes

Katie O'Connor

I've been doing the HYT practice 5x a week for 3 weeks. Within 3 days of bringing it back, my hot flashes dramatically reduced to 2x a day and once or twice in the night. By the end of week 2, I was getting one hot flash every 24 hrs or so. Now it's once every few days. I still don't know what was causing the spotting. Likely the copper IUD or it was a perimenopause symptom. (I hope this is a clean break from menstruation!) All I know is those hot flashes were enough to make me crazy and the HYT is working. That's all I need to know. Keep doing it!

It Will Increase Your Libido

​Barbara Day

I enjoyed Hormone Yoga Therapy with Corinne and Lotus Moon Yoga. It is truly a life changer and a game changer. It will increase your libido, your energy, reduce facial wrinkles and if you are really dedicated inches off your body as well. Invest in your own personal journey with Corinne and her newest knowledge straight from Chile and Dina the foremost expert in Hormone Yoga Therapy. oooooxxxxx. ​Barbara Day

course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2


    • Module Overview

    • Hormones 101

    • The Main Glands We Stimulate In Hormone Yoga

    • Hormone Yoga & Health

    • Module Summary

  • 3


    • Module Overview

    • Yoga 101 - Basic Yoga Techniques

    • Hormone Yoga Techniques

    • Bastrika - K.D. (BKD)

    • Module Summary

  • 4


    • Module Overview

    • Warm up Exercises/ 1-3

    • Warm up Exercises/4-7

    • Module Summary

  • 5


    • Module Overview

    • Mula Bandha

    • Kechari Mudra

    • Circulation of Energy (CoE)

    • Module Summary

  • 6

    Module 5: DAILY SERIES 1 - 3

    • Module Overview

    • Exercises #1 - Janushirshasana

    • Exercise #2 - Ardha Matsyendrasana

    • Exercise #3 - Mahasana

    • Module Summary

  • 7

    Module 6: DAILY SERIES 4 - 6

    • Module Overview

    • Exercise #4 - Pigeon Variation

    • Uddiyana Bandha Technique

    • Exercise #5 - Adapted Vajrasana Stretching with Uddiyana Bandha

    • Exercise #6 - Five Waves of Beauty K.D.

    • Module Summary

  • 8

    Module 7: The Subtle Body

    • Module Overview

    • Nadis and Chakras

    • Yoga Nidra

    • Exercise #7 - Yoga Nidra To Activate the Thyroid + Ovaries

    • Module Summary

  • 9

    Module 8: DAILY SERIES 8 - 10

    • Module Overview

    • Exercise #8 - Dynamic Vilomasana

    • Ujjayi Pranayama & Jalandhara Bandha

    • Exercise #9 - Balancing Thyroid with Ujjayi Breath

    • The Three Bandhas Together

    • Exercise #10 - Thyroid With Three Bandhas

    • Module Summary

  • 10

    Module 9: DAILY SERIES 11 & 12

    • Module Overview

    • Exercise #11 - Surya Bedhana K.D. in Stretching

    • Exercise #12 - Dynamic Viparita

    • Module Summary

  • 11

    Module 10: Final 2 Nidras

    • Module Overview

    • Exercise #13 - Harmonization of Energy for Ovaries, Thyroid & Hypophysis

    • Exercise #14 - Harmonization of 2 Poles and the 7 Chakras

    • Module Summary

  • 12

    Module 11: The Whole Sequence

    • The Whole Sequence

  • 13

    Module 12: Anti-Stress Techniques

  • 14

    Module:13 Congratulations

    • A Final Note

    • Feed Back Form


  • What is the difference between Hatha Yoga and Hormone Yoga?

    Hatha Yoga is practiced to maintain health. It is composed of asanas (postures) and pranayamas (breathing exercises) with body awareness and relaxation. Hormone Yoga is therapeutic and is based on physiology, The asanas are dynamic, with very strong pranayamas to massage and reactivate the glands. We also use the Tibetan Energy Technique to reinforce the results.

  • ​I am new to yoga, can I still learn/practice HYT?

    Yes! HYT is accessible for every body, including newcomers.

  • Can stress mess with your hormones?

    Yes! Stress can cause hormonal imbalances in women. This can occur when elevated levels of cortisol suppress the body's natural sex hormones, (estrogen + progesterone). Acute and chronic stress can fundamentally alter the body's hormone balance, which can lead to missed, late or irregular periods, in addition, to chronic fatigue, weight gain, insomnia and more.

  • What results were achieved in a study group?

    In 1993, after observing the excellent results obtained by her students, Dinah decided to do a controlled scientific research project about the effect of HYT on hormone levels and symptoms of low hormone levels ( hot flushes, uro-genital dryness, emotional instability, insomnia, chronic fatigue, depression, migraine, infertility, hair loss, weight gain etc). The results obtained by women who practiced were measured with blood tests of estradiol (before the beginning the practice and repeated every 4 months) and the intensity of symptoms were evaluated in a questionnaire to be repeated every month. The conclusion was that results were very positive: Estradiol level increased average 154% with 100% of the students, within a practice of 3 to 4 months, without medications, eliminated the symptoms or decreased their intensity to near zero.

  • ​What is premature menopause?

    Women are most likely to be between ages 40 and 60 years when they experience natural menopause - the average age is about 51. If you begin to go through menopause before the age of 40, it's called premature or early menopause. Menopause occurring after the age of 55 is considered a late menopause. Surgical menopause is when you have had a hysterectomy.

  • The doctor said I have polycystic ovaries, is Hormone Yoga contraindicated?

    In your case, Hormone Yoga is indicated - it reactivates and balances the hormone production and the cysts in the ovary will be eliminated definitively. Polycystic ovaries can cause infertility, but after 4 to 6 months practice, in 85% of the cases the desired pregnancy happened.

  • I feel good with HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) BHRT (Bioidentical Repalcement Therapy) why should I change to Hormone Yoga Therapy ?

    Please read: https://www.breastcancer.org/risk/factors/hrt To eliminate the symptoms of menopause caused by low hormones, a healthier and natural solution is to practice Hormone Yoga Therapy exercises, 3 - 5/week.

  • ​I have been diagnosed with "Estrogen" positive breast cancer, can I still practice HYT?

    We recommend you ask your Doctor if you wanted to, could you take HRT. If the answer is "YES" then you have a green light to practice. If the Doctor says, "NO", you cannot take HRT, then the same goes for practicing HYT.

  • I have a very busy life/schedule and find it difficult to commit to exercise on my own, how can you help?

    Upon completing the online course and learning in detail the sequence technique, we also have a Facebook private group for you to join. In addition, you can contact me for any additional support you may need.

your teacher

Hormone Yoga Teacher, Corinne McNally, is one of very few teachers in North America, certified in Hormone Yoga Therapy (HYT) for Women, by its founder, Dinah Rodrigues. While HYT is well known in South America, Europe, and particularly in the Czech Republic, it is now gaining popularity in North America. Women around the world are seeking natural and holistic methods to balance their hormones, and HYT is one of the leading ways in which to do it.

Corinne comes from a dance and movement background as well, and has enjoyed being a student of yoga for most of her life. She has been teaching yoga for over fifteen years, including yoga for pregnancy and beyond. Corinne is also a birth doula, and feels blessed to have attended many births over the years.

Currently, Corinne is focusing her teaching on sharing this amazing hormone balancing sequence. She is very passionate about women’s health and wellness. She is excited to be creating the first online Hormone Yoga Therapy course, which will be launching this fall. Her teaching methods imbue humour, honesty, sincerity and an open heart. You will feel at ease while having fun, and learning a unique yoga method.

contact corinne or signup for her newsletter         

how this online course is set up:

  • Flexible Schedule

    Go at your own pace and watch the videos as many times as you need to. All the course content is yours to work through, while you learn, watch & practice again and again. Lifetime access to the course with the convenience of being in your home.

  • Live Calls

    One on One with Corinne. You can schedule the live calls Monday - Friday, (MST - daytime hours). As well as two Saturday mornings a month, you will meet Corinne on Zoom for these calls.

  • High-Quality Lectures

    You will have access to professionally made video lessons. Along with a printable manual + template. Plus the tools for balancing your hormones through yoga and relaxation. All the lessons are aligned with the original teachings of Dinah Rodrigues.
